A portion of the sale proceeds for all play sets and supporting materials will be donated to Halton Learning Foundation.
Stef, a Star, is one of the characters in the full Regulate Your Universe play set.
The Whoosh Upon A Star Package is part of the supporting materials for Regulate Your Universe but is also offered as a standalone download for those parents or educators who want a cute, calming bedtime story together with resources specifically focused on helping kids understand sensory input as a form of self regulation and alternative communication methods other than speech.
This package includes:
Stef's story (Whoosh Upon A Star), a sweet story about a boy who loves stars and sounds. Perfect to read at bedtime.
A social narrative called What is stimming?, written to help people understand how we all use sensory input for self regulation.
- A social narrative called What is AAC?, which shares information about communication methods that don’t involve speech, and how we can be better communication partners to AAC users.
- Whoosh upon a star, What is stimming? and What is AAC? are all available as epub files so you can read them on an iDevice - email me at info@smallbutkindamighty.com if you would like the epub files and I will send them to you at no extra cost.
This listing is for the story package only.