
According to "The Big Book of Nature Activities" the average child can recognize over 300 corporate logos but only 10 native animals or plants. Nature journaling is an awesome activity for kids but people are often put off by the cost, lack of access to "nature" and a perception that to make a journal you must be able to write and draw. Check out this accessible nature journal!
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"How To Make Yarn Flowers With A Fork - easy craft to do with kids" is the third blog post and video for craft projects designed to support the play based learning of the Spring Difference and Diversity Play Set.
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Crafts With Yarn And Popsicle Sticks - make a butterfly! Looking for a butterfly yarn craft, some spring art projects, preschool yarn crafts or just some ideas for scrap yarn projects - these yarn and popsicle stick butterflies are a great project for kids and adults alike.
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